Respiratory Care

Respiratory Care at Collin

Breath is life. 没有什么比无法呼吸更可怕的了,即使是很短的时间. 拥有火博体育官网呼吸护理应用科学副学士学位,成为帮助患者更轻松呼吸的团队的一员.

呼吸治疗师的一天可能包括为患有肺部或心脏疾病的患者提供护理, managing ventilators in the intensive care units, responding to Code Blue or other urgent calls for care, educating patients and families about lung disease, and consulting with physicians to recommend a change in therapy.

Respiratory Therapists can work in: Critical Care Units, Emergency Rooms, Neonatal and Pediatric Units, Operating Rooms, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Doctor's Offices, Asthma Education Programs or Smoking Cessation Programs.

火博体育官网的呼吸护理课程为个人在呼吸系统疾病的临床护理和管理方面的联合健康专业做好准备. 为期22个月的课程将为学生申请由国家呼吸护理委员会颁发的治疗师多项选择和临床模拟资格考试做好准备. 该学院还与中西部州立大学合作,提供呼吸护理科学学士学位在线完成课程.

对于持有注册呼吸治疗师(CRT)证书并希望成为注册资格的个人, please contact the Program Director.

Licensure Notice: Students who have been involved with the criminal system, 请注意,你的背景可能会使你无法获得德克萨斯州的执照. If you have a question about your background and licensure, please speak with your faculty member or the department chair. 您也有权要求犯罪历史评估信从适用的许可机构.

科学课程是课程的一部分,但在机构认可的学院/大学完成, 必须在入学年度秋季学期的五年内完成才能获得转学分. 所有呼吸护理讲座、实验和临床课程的最低及格分数为C.

计划转学到学院或大学的学生应该向火博体育官网的学术顾问咨询. 在开始这个项目之前,还要检查预期转学学院的学位要求,以验证课程学位的适用性.

Spaces in the Respiratory Care Program are limited. Please see the Respiratory Care Program Information Packet, at for details on the selective admission process.


呼吸护理项目由呼吸护理认证委员会(CoARC)认证。. They may be contacted at:

Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care
264 Precision Blvd.
Telford, TN 37690
Phone: 817.283.2835
Fax: 817.354.8519


After initial acceptance to this program, 所有的学生都需要满足特定的功能能力,无论是否有住宿,以成功完成课程,并在各种专业环境中安全有效地发挥作用. 具体的功能要求可在呼吸护理网站(http://www)的项目信息中提供的功能能力/核心性能标准文件中找到 如果学生认为自己可能无法达到功能标准,需要住宿,我们鼓励他们在对这个项目感兴趣的时候尽快联系学院的ACCESS部门.


Registration is by permission only. Information and applications may be obtained online at or the Health Sciences and Emergency Services Division Office. To apply, students must:

  • Submit the required application form by the designated deadline.
  • 向呼吸护理项目主任提交所有大学成绩单的正式副本.
  • Complete Collin College reading, writing and mathematics assessments.
  • Overall GPA of 2.5 with a minimum grade of "C" in all prerequisite courses.
  • 将您的HESI或TEAS考试成绩交给呼吸护理项目主任.
  • Agree to criminal background check. 背景调查的阴性结果可能会影响临床安置.
  • Once admitted, student must pass a drug screen at the student's expense, when requested and as directed by the program.
  • 在课程第一学期开始之前,参加学生迎新会.
  • 成功完成所有课程入学标准(见申请包).
  • 完成德克萨斯州卫生服务部(TDSHS) *要求的所有免疫接种.
  • 心肺复苏术-需要当前美国心脏协会基本生命支持心肺复苏术认证.

* It is important to note that one of the required vaccinations, Hepatitis B, consists of a three dose series, which can take up to 7 months to complete. 所有免疫接种必须在项目规定的截止日期前完成.

Health Insurance - 所有呼吸护理学生都需要在开始临床轮转之前出示健康保险证明,并且必须在课程期间保持保险.


除了顺利完成呼吸护理课程, 学生必须在课程的第二年成功完成综合治疗师多项选择(TMC)自我评估考试和临床模拟自我评估考试.

  1. TMC实习考试将在第二年的秋季学期进行.
  2. TMC自评考试将在第二年春季学期进行.
  3. 临床模拟自评考试将在第二年春季学期进行.
  4. Meet all Collin College graduation requirements.

满意地完成这些考试是毕业的必要条件. 未通过这些考试的学生将被要求完成规定的补习作业并重新测试. The program reserves the right to limit the number of retests.


The program, after admission to the college, 为持有CRT证书的学生提供了一个过渡选择, 在初级呼吸护理方面有机构认可的大学学分吗, 并且有一年的临床经验作为呼吸治疗师进入呼吸治疗项目的第二年, receive their degree and become registry-eligible. 内容和临床技能能力测试必须令人满意地完成学生进入这个选项. Contact the Program Director for more information.